Structure and Affiliation
We are affiliated with IFCA International as the Pacific Northwest Regional
An Executive Committee, elected from individual members and representatives of IFCA International in the Pacific Northwest Regional, leads our fellowship with the assistance of appointed Area Coordinators.
The document below guides our function.
Constitution of the Pacific Northwest Regional, IFCA International
A. The President shall preside at all sessions of the meetings of the Executive Committee. He shall perform all other duties that inhere to his office.
B. The Vice-President shall perform such duties as the President may delegate to him. In the absence or incapacity of the pesident, he shall have the same authority and perform the same duties as the President.
C. The Secretary shall keep the minutes and an accurate record of the meetings of the Executive Committee, and of the meetings of the Regional organization. He shall keep all official records, papers and official seal in his custody, as directed by the Executive Committee. He shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee may assign him. He shall prepare and present to the Annual Meeting of the Regional a comprehensive statistical report of the organization.
D. The Treasurer shall receive, deposit and disburse all funds of the organization at the direction of the Executive Committee. He shall prepare and present to the Annual Meeting of the organization a complete report of funds received and disbursed. He shall be prepared to report to the Executive Committee the organization’s financial status at any called meeting.
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of all of the elected officers of the organization, together with the Executive Director of the Northwest Independent Church Extension.
B. The Executive Committee shall have the general oversight of the organization and shall carry out its purpose, goals and policies.
C. The Executive Committee shall provide a program for the effective fulfillment of the purpose of the organization. This shall include all phases of ministry – youth, men, and women – so as to unite the entire constituency in its program.
D. The Executive Committee shall appoint Area Coordinators as they deem necessary. Area Coordinators shall give leadership and oversight in matters pertaining to their area constituency and assist the Executive Committee in regional program planning. They shall maintain close contact with the churches, pastors and Christian workers in that area who are members of IFCA International., seeking to promote fellowship, prayer, unity, and ministry partnerships which would benefit those within their area.
E. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint such special committees as will enable the organization to fulfill its ministry.
F. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed at the beginning of the fiscal year to serve until the new officers are elected. This Committee shall seek to present two nominees for each office.
G. An Auditing Committee of two Regional members shall be appointed at the spring meeting to audit the books of the Treasurer and to present a report to the membership.
Section 1 The Annual Business Meeting shall be held during the first Regional meeting (conference) of the calendar year.
Section 2 Other meetings shall convene as may be arranged by the Executive Committee, or by the Regional membership as shall be deemed necessary.
Section 3 A quorum shall consist of the voting members and delegates present at any meeting.